Thursday, February 12, 2009

FU Regrets Decision to Attend "Abs Class"

An ill-fated decision made earlier today following the previous 48 hour run of great decisions took me to my gym and the Thursday Abs Class. I'm not a workout class kind of guy, and your core muscles aren't particularly relevant to lounging, so in retrospect this decision was completely unfounded. Perhaps at the time I thought a little physical exertion would keep me on the wave of good times I had been riding. Perhaps in the back of my mind I thought the class would be filled with gorgeous women eager to pounce on a 25 year old college graduate without a job and absolutely no ambition in life.

I was wrong on both accounts. While there was one attractive girl in the class, I am pretty sure my repeated calls for a break along with the stagnant smell of a cigar smoked 24 hours earlier coming out of my pores nixed whatever small chance I had to make a positive impression.

Several hours later, my body is still shaking from the instructor's insane workout regimen. The next several hours FU will be spread out like a starfish on his floor groaning. Take care my followers-

Forever Unemployed

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